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Water Supply Investigations
Locating and proving sufficient, reliable groundwater supplies (potable and otherwise) for mining and processing operations is critical to project success.
GRM have significant experience in the exploration, evaluation and development of groundwater resources, having worked on numerous projects across Australia and Overseas, including the Pilbara and Goldfields Regions, Yilgarn and Northern Territory as well as Africa and Asia.
Our staff have experience in all aspects of water supply investigation from groundwater targeting through to drilling program management, data analysis and assessments of sustainability and impacts . The selection of groundwater targets generally requires skills in geological and hydrogeological interpretation, database manipulation and geophysical interpretation.
GRM has capabilities in all these areas.
GRM is also able to provide suitably qualified and experienced personnel to oversee and manage various types of drilling, bore construction and testing. Program management can include:
• Overseeing the implementation of contractor HS&E plans
• Contractor selection
• Management, approval and reporting of contractor costs
• Data collection and analysis
• Field program scheduling and client reporting